14 November 2009
5:50 pm
Attempt I
14 November 2009

154 Ludlow Street
14 November 2009
(From Viewer's Right to Left)
8:32 pm, 8:35 pm, & 8:40 pm
More to come...
Do you see? I know that you already do. Perhaps this description is really for myself. That is, maybe the reason I am writing this now is so I can practice putting how I am thinking into words. Most of the time, though, there is no need for either of us to explain this phenomenon to one another; we tend to understand and accept that our romance is sometimes comedic and at other times painfully sentimental. There are several major scenes which I feel construct the basis of our relationship. Not scenes, rather, but perhaps chapters, or acts. As a means to remembering everything, I am going to list these events chronologically.
Before I do, I need to remember that I am on a bus from Springfield to New York City. Everything before now was written on a bus from Amherst to Springfield. Before boarding this bus, I threw up twice. My stomach is in my throat and I am fairly certain that I now know what a panic attack is. Noises startle me. I have never felt so alone as I have been feeling on the days when we are not together. Think. Remember.